Browsing Magister Scientiae - MSc (Environ & Water Science) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 56
A comparison of Brine evaporation rates under controlled conditions in a laboratory
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)There are growing concerns around the environmental issues related to processed water as the demand for potable water is on the increase in South Africa. Effluents discharged from various sectors such as water treatment ... -
An assessment of the contribution of surface and subsurface flows to river flows of the Sandspruit in the Berg River Catchment, South Africa.
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)Studies have shown that the primary origin of salinity in river flows of the Sandspruit in the Berg Catchment located in the Western Cape Province of South Africa was mainly a result of atmospheric deposition of salts. The ... -
Analysis of monthly MOD16 evapotranspiration rates at sites with different climatic characteristics; Heuningnes and Letaba catchments in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component of the water cycle that is estimated to return about 60% of precipitation back to the atmosphere. Actual ET can be estimated using remote sensing techniques and ground-based ... -
Application of multivariate statistics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map groundwater quality in the Beaufort West area, Western Cape, South Africa
(UWC, 2013)Groundwater in arid and semi-arid areas like the Karoo region of South Africa is an important source of domestic, agricultural and industrial source of fresh water. As a scarce resource, it requires extensive quality control ... -
Assessing effectiveness of groundwater remediation technologies to a coastal aquifer within an urban environment in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)The study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Reverse Osmosis technology as an example of ex-situ groundwater remediation technologies. The Cape Flats Aquifer System, an urban coastal system, was used as a case study. ... -
Assessing groundwater-surface water interaction as a decision-making tool licensing water use South Africa : case study area of Gevonden farm
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)Assessing groundwater-surface water interaction as a decision-making tool licensing water use South Africa: Case study area of Gevonden Farm is the title of the current study with the context that arises from the use of ... -
Assessing hydrogeological characteristics to establish influence of aquifer-river interaction in non-perennial river systems, Heuningnes catchment
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)Over half of total flows in the global river network are composed of non-perennial rivers. This indicates the importance of non-perennial river systems in supporting the biodiversity. It has been established that groundwater ... -
Assessing hydrogeology of springs in Heuningnes Catchment in South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Springs have been a significant source of water for flora and fauna since the beginning of human history and, in some circumstances, the only source capable of supplying enough water to sustain domestic and agricultural ... -
Assessing river-aquifer interaction for sustained water abstraction, Lower Vaal Catchment, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Several methods are available in the literature for the estimations of river-aquifer interactions. However, the selection of which depends on available data, local geographic and topographic conditions, the spatial and ... -
Assessing Rural domestic water demand and use for local groundwater governance during drought, Halambani area, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2017)Groundwater demand (abstraction) and use during drought continues to be a vital aspect in rural areas. However, the lack of systematic data to assess the availability, demand and use of such resource in addition to lack ... -
Assessing the effect of the Kars Wetland on flow attenuation in the Cape Agulhas, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)The Kars has a well-defined channel along the 62 km stretch from its sources in the Bredasdorp Mountains. After entering the Agulhas plain which has a very low gradient, this river changes into a triangular shaped wetland. ... -
Assessing the influence of groundwater recharge mechanism on non-perennial river systems, Tankwa Karoo, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2019)In South Africa and neighbouring countries such as Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, and Namibia, most river systems are non-perennial due to semi-arid or arid climatic characteristics. In such river systems, the interaction ... -
Assessing the surface water - groundwater interaction and its influence on the water quality from headwaters to lowlands
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)The connections between surface water and groundwater systems remain poorly understood in many catchments throughout the world and yet they are fundamental in effectively managing water resources. Managing water resources ... -
An assessment of factors influencing the spatial variability of iron concentrations in groundwater in selected areas of the Western Cape Province.
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)Groundwater in South Africa, and more specifically the Western Cape Province (WCP), has become of major interest in recent years due to the unpredictable climatic conditions and the uncertainty of surface water to continuously ... -
Assessment of groundwater level fluctuation trends in Grootfontein dolomite Aquifer, North West Province, South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Groundwater level decline is a problem experienced in aquifers with more than one groundwater user such as the Grootfontein dolomite aquifer in the North West Province of South Africa. This study assessed groundwater ... -
An assessment of river and wetland morphology dynamics using geospatial techniques
(University of the Western Cape, 2023)Land surface modification has intensified in recent years, and it continues to be an ongoing process. This raises serious concerns about changes in land use and land cover (LULC) since some of these changes have led to ... -
Assessment of the contributions of water allocation reforms to achieving equitable access to water by smallholder emerging farmers in the Breede-Gouritz catchment management agency
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)The National Water Act of (1998) of South Africa has a goal of achieving equitable access to water resources, as well as achieving environmental sustainability and efficient use of water. Consequently, water resources ... -
Characterizing water quality of rivers and underlying aquifers in the Nuwejaars Catchment, South Africa
(University of Western Cape, 2020)Non-perennial rivers are the main source of surface water in drylands. These rivers are unpredictable and highly variable in terms of flow regime and water quality. Despite their abundance, and importance in the landscape, ... -
A comparative assessment of the quantity and sources of water used by alien invasive prosopis spp and indigenous Acacia karroo in the Northern Cape Province
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are often reported to use more water than indigenous plants. Inaddition, IAPs have an ability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions and they tend to spread at rapid rates, thereby threatening ... -
Conceptualization of urban hydrogeology within the context of water sensitive urban design: case study of Cape Flats Aquifer
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)Urban hydrogeology can be used to facilitate a decision-making process regarding the implementation of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) to manage water systems of periurban cities. This thesis was aimed at providing ...