Browsing Magister Scientiae - MSc (Computer Science) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 94
5G wireless network support using umanned aerial vehicles for rural and low-Income areas
(University of the Western Cape, 2020)The fifth-generation mobile network (5G) is a new global wireless standard that enables state-of-the-art mobile networks with enhanced cellular broadband services that support a diversity of devices. Even with the current ... -
A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Facial Expression Recognition
(University of the Western Cape, 2018)A machine translation system that can convert South African Sign Language (SASL) video to audio or text and vice versa would be bene cial to people who use SASL to communicate. Five fundamental parameters are associated ... -
Affective gesture fast-track feedback instant messaging (AGFIM)
(University of Western Cape, 2005)Text communication is often perceived as lacking some components of communication that are essential in sustaining interaction or conversation. This interaction incoherency tends to make text communication plastic. It is ... -
An authoring tool for generalised scenario creation for SignSupport
(University of the Western Cape, 2016)This thesis describes the development cycles of an authoring tool that generalises scenario creation for SignSupport. SignSupport is a mobile communication tool for Deaf people that currently runs on an Android smartphone. ... -
An analysis of voice over internet protocol in wireless mesh networks
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)This thesis presents an analysis of the impact of node mobility on the quality of service for voice over Internet Protocol in wireless mesh networks. Voice traffic was simulated on such a mesh network to analyze the ... -
Application of Several Time Series Methods to Three Important Financial Time Series
(University of the Western Cape, 2007)This study is concerned with three different financial time series over an eight year period, namely: the government repurchase rate, the Rand-Dollar exchange rate and the Allshare Index. The aim is to better understand ... -
Articulated structure from motion
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)The structure from motion (SfM) problem is that of determining 3-dimensional (3D) information of a scene from sequences of 2-dimensional (2D) images [59]. This information consists of object shape and motion and relative ... -
Automatic real-time facial expression recognition for signed language translation
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)We investigated two computer vision techniques designed to increase both the recognition accuracy and computational efficiency of automatic facial expression recognition. In particular, we compared a local segmentation of ... -
Autonomous facial expression recognition using the facial action coding system
(University of the Western Cape, 2016)The South African Sign Language research group at the University of the Western Cape is in the process of creating a fully-edged machine translation system to automatically translate between South African Sign Language and ... -
Avatar animation from SignWriting notation
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)The SASL project at the University of the Western Cape is in the process of developing a machine translation system that can translate fully-fledged phrases between South African Sign Language (SASL) and English in ... -
Browser-based and mobile video communication alternatives for Deaf people
(University of the Western Cape, 2011)This thesis offers some prototypes to provide browser-based and mobile video communication services for Deaf people and evaluates these prototypes. The aim of this research is to identify an acceptable video communication ... -
Carrier grade adaptation for an IP-based multimodal application server: moving the softbridge into SLEE
(University of the Western Cape, 2004)Providing carrier grade characteristics for Internet Protocol (IP) communication applications is a significant problem for IP application providers in order to offer integrated services that span IP and telecommunication ... -
Chereme- Based Recognition of Isolated, Dynamic Gestures from South African Sign Language with Hidden Markov Models
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)Much work has been done in building systems that can recognise gestures, e.g. as a component of sign language recognition systems. These systems typically use whole gestures as the smallest unit for recognition. Although ... -
Chereme-based recognition of isolated, dynamic gestures from South African sign language with Hidden Markov Models
(University of the Western Cape, 2006)Much work has been done in building systems that can recognize gestures, e.g. as a component of sign language recognition systems. These systems typically use whole gestures as the smallest unit for recognition. Although ... -
A comparative evaluation of 3d and spatio-temporal deep learning techniques for crime classification and prediction
(University of Western Cape, 2021)This research is on a comparative evaluation of 3D and spatio-temporal deep learning methods for crime classification and prediction using the Chicago crime dataset, which has 7.29 million records, collected from 2001 ... -
A comparative evaluation of population-based optimization algorithms for workflow scheduling in cloud-fog environments
(University of the Western Cape, 2022)Scientific workflows are denoted by interdependent tasks and computations that are aimed at achieving some scientific objectives. The scheduling of these workflows involve the allocation of the tasks to particular ... -
Comparison and evaluation of mass video notification methods used to assist Deaf people
(University of the Western Cape, 2012)In South Africa, Deaf people communicate with one another and the broader community by means of South African Sign Language. The majority of Deaf people who have access to a mobile phone (cell phone) use Short Message ... -
A comparison of machine learning techniques for hand shape recognition
(University of the Western Cape, 2015)There are five fundamental parameters that characterize any sign language gesture. They are hand shape, orientation, motion and location, and facial expressions. The SASL group at the University of the Western Cape has ... -
The Complexity of Splay Trees and Skip Lists
(University of the Western Cape, 2008)Our main results are that splay trees are faster for sorted insertion, where AVL trees are faster for random insertion. For searching, skip lists are faster than single class top-down splay trees, but two-class and multi-class ... -
Credit Card Transactions Fraud Detection, and Machine Learning: Modelling Time with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks
(University of the Western Cape, 2007)In recent years, topics such as fraud detection and fraud prevention have received a lot of attention on the research front, in particular from plastic card issuers. The reason for this increase in research activity can ...