Bioinformatics and polymerase chain reaction: Tools to determine the host specificity of Salmonella typhi murium
The nucleotide primer pair, Redl and Red2, was designed from the nucleotide
sequence obtained from the NCBI database (Fig. 2.1). This nucleotide sequence
encodes for the Salmonella typhimurium invasion gene D protein (sigD) and
invasion gene E protein (sigE) genes. The Sa/monella and the non-Salmonella
serovars used were subjected to PCR conditions at various annealing
temperatures (T.) (Tables 2.4, 2.5,2.6). This was performed in order to optimize
the PCR. Plasmid DNA PCR amplicons (350bp) detected S.braenderup and
S.gallinarum at 53oC (Fig. 2.7) and at 56oC, S.braenderup at 54oC and
S.gatlinarum at 55oC. PCR of the plasmid DNA did however not detect
Salmonella typhimurium, the serotype it was designed to detec