Photovoltaics and spectro-electrochemistry of nicuzn organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite nanomaterials
Despite the remarkable progress made by hybrid perovskite thin film materials CH3NH3PbI3 in the arena of thin film photovoltaics, their shift to penetrating the commercial market is still an on-going research due to poor intrinsic stability and the issue of eco-toxicity posed by metal Pb. The chief aim of this study was to prepare air-stable hybrid perovskite thin film materials incorporating earth abundant and non-toxic transition metals which include Ni, Cu & Zn (doped at 1, 5 and 10%); CH3NH3PbI3•Ni, CH3NH3PbI3•Cu & CH3NH3PbI3•Zn, employing a two-step solution deposition technique. The terephthalic acid (TPA) additive was utilized to stabilize thin film materials from deterioration upon exposure to air.