Browsing Faculty of Dentistry by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 410
Dental caries clinical and experimental investigations
(University of Pretoria, 1947)pental caries is the most prevalent of all diseases among civilized peo_ple. ~_n_ol middl~~-~o=~ay with ~full c<?_P.plement of !fu.rty-t~~.J>§rfectly healthy tee!h. From various statistics obtained ffo·m- practically ... -
Die ontwikkeling van die epiteel en keratien in die menslike mondholte: In histologiese, elektronmikroskopiese en histochemiese studie
(University of the Western Cape, 1972)Histological observations revealed that oral epithelium originated from a single ectodermal layer. As the ectoderm grew so it differentiated into squamous epithelium. The first features of squamous differentiation were ... -
Maturation of the permanent teeth in a Western Cape sample
(1974)The need for in-depth knowledge of dental emergence and calcification in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning cannot be disputed. Serial extractions, treatment timing, bite opening and closing, expansion and ... -
Mandibulo-facial dysostosis - An investigation of the cranio-facial and oral manifestations in South African bantu.
(University of Pretoria, 1975)The subject, an adult bantu male with most of the features of the classical syndrome, is subjected to a physical investigation with the - emphasis on the cranio-facial and oral manifestations. The clinical appearance of ... -
A study of some cultural characteristics and blood serum antibodies: titers 0f enterococci isolated from the mouth and faeces
(1975)Crevicular epithelium presents no effective barrier to the biologicaJly active constituents of plaque. Moreover, it seems that the production of circulating antibodies, the development of a state of delayed hypersensitivity ... -
The handling of undated pig embryos and foetuses as a prelude to histological studies of morphogenesis in the oral region
(University of the Western Cape, 1976)The author is interested in the morphogenesis of the oral region including the nasopalatine complex. With the intention of undertaking a study of the· embryological development in this area, perusal of available literature ... -
Pre and Postnatal growth and development of the Mandible
(University of the Western Cape, 1977)This paper has attempted to describe the prenatal development of the mandible in humans and ita postnatal growth. The various theories of how this growth occurs have been described including the historical work by Brash, ... -
The restoration of the endodontically treated tooth: A review of the Literature. Supplemented by drawings and photographs of clinical cases taken by the author during operative procedures
(University of Stellenbosch, 1978)Many books, articles and reviews of this aspect of restorative dentistry have been published. An attempt has been made to correlate all the relevant material in order that a comprehensive review of most of the published ... -
The Physical and Mechanical Aspects of Orthodontic Appliances
(University of the Western Cape, 1978)These laws were first published in Latin,in 1687.The first law may be literally translated thus, Every body continues in its state of reat or of uniform motion in a straight line ,unless it is compelled to change that state ... -
A survey of the oral health status of the institutionalised elderly white people in the Cape Peninsula area of the Republic of South Africa
(University of the Western Cape, 1979)Aging is a biological process under the influence of genetic and pathological factors wh ich can be more or less advanced in different individuals with the same, chronological age. Silverman (1961) defined age as a ... -
(University of the Western Cape, 1980)Mondbiologie as onafhanklike vak in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika het die eerste babatreë geneem op 'n senaatsvergadering van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch op 26 Maart 1971 toe die instelling van 'n Departement ... -
Oral cancer (I.C.O 140-146) in South Africa with special reference to its occurrence among the Cape coloured and Indian people of the Cape Peninsula
(University of the Western Cape, 1980)Aangesien 'n nasionale register vir maligniteit nie bestaan waarin informasie ten opsigte van kanker onder die verskillende bevolkings groepe van Suid-Afrika nagegaan kan word nie, kan die verspreidings patroon alleenlik ... -
A review of obturating materials and obturation techniques used in current endodontic therapy with special reference to the Western Cape
(University of the Western Cape, 1981)A review of current root canal obturating materials and obturation techniques was undertaken. This was prompted by the wide variety of the materials and techniques currently being used in the Western Cape. A questionnaire ... -
An osteo-radiographic study of the mandibular canal
(1982)Even though the mandibular nerve is of great importance to the dentist, very little research on the course of the nerve and the relationship of the mandibular canal to the adjacent anatomical structures has been ... -
Chemical aspects of human plaque and enamel
(University of the Western Cape, 1982)The ideal conditions for the use of hydrazinium sulphate as a reducing agent to determine phosphorus in dental plaque were investigated. When this method was compared to the tin (II) chloride (Kuttner and Cohen, 1927) and ... -
Entrepreneural trends in health care delivery: The development of retail dentistry and freestanding ambulatory services
(University of the Western Cape, 1982)In the 1970s, traditional delivery patterns in medicine and dentistry began to change as health care professionals sought out new ways to attract patients and to increase practice earnings. Anesthesiologists and surgeons ... -
A critical investigation of paedodontic education with special reference to graduates of the University of Stellenbosch
(University of Stellenbosch, 1983)In South Africa the general dental practitioner has sole re$ponsibility for the provision of child dental care. Accordingly, at Stellenbosch University the objective of the undergraduate paedodontic curriculum is to ... -
The history of dentistry in South Africa since 1900
(University of the Western Cape, 1983)Nineteenth Century dentists in South Africa were brought under the provision of legislation in Natal and the Transvaal (1896) and the Cape Colony and the Orange Free State (1899). By the end of the Nineteenth Century a ... -
Periodontal disease in an adolescent Caucasian population in South Africa - An epidemiological survey
(University of the Western Cape, 1983)The epidemiology of periodontal disease in the Republic of South Africa has received only scant attention in the past and consequently the available information is limited. The present study was therefore planned with the ... -
Age standardised incidence rates and age specific morbidity rates for intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma in blacks on the Witwatersrand.
(University of the Western Cape, 1983)The South African population is made up of Blacks, Whites, Coloureds and Asians. Since each population group is distinct in its culture and habits and have widely differing life styles and socioeconomic levels an ideal ...