Browsing Magister Educationis - MEd by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 223
Die geskiedenis en bydrae van die opleidingshool Shonge tot die onderwys
(University of the Western Cape, 1982)Onderwyseropleiding, 'n integrende deel van die onderwysstelsel in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, soos dit ook die geval in ander lande is, is die spil waarom die opheffing van en kulturoordrag van 'n nasie in die algemeen ... -
Arabic as educational Muslim content in South African context: A pedagogical survey and evaluation with special reference to Secondary Schools
(University of the Western Cape, 1987)The aim of this study is to investigate ·and outline the importance and significance of Arabic in the South African context. The study investigates inter alia the part played by the early Muslim settlers, political exiles ... -
School sport and political change
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)This dissertation will attempt to explain the changes that have and are taking place within south African sport and especially school sport. This will be viewed in the context of changing political developments. The ... -
An investigation into whether Physical Education is being taught at Department of Education and culture Secondary schools in the Cape Peninsula according to the prescribed Physical education Syllabi
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)The educational system in South Africa today is in a state of flux. (Kloppers 1990:24) Father Smangaliso Mkatshwa emphasized that education was completely intertwined with the economic, political and social structures of ... -
An investigation into the implementation of cooperatively planned resource-based learning from the perspective of teachers
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)This study investigates from the teacher’s perspective how the teachers' experiences with cooperatively planned resource-based learning 'teaching had influenced their use of this teaching method. The four schools studled ... -
'n Aksienavorsingsproses met betrekking tot die verbetering van houdings ten opsigte van die vak Psigo-pedagogiek by Nasionale Onderwysdiploma-studente aan die Technikon Skiereiland
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)Die negatiewe houding van studente, veral Nasionale Onderwys- Diploma (Verkwinkel)-studente, teenoor die vak Psigo-pedagogiek kommerwekkend en moontilk kom hierde negatiwiteit by alle onderwysstudente teenoor dee vak ... -
An activity -based approach towards developing critical thinking in the Geography classroom
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)This thesis deals with an attempt to employ the research methodology of action research to focus on classroom strategies involving a range of resources, including indigenously generated ones, as a way of enhancing critical ... -
'n kritiese analise van geweld en pasifisme en 'n ondersoek na die verband tussen demokrasie en vrede met spesiale verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel
(University of Western Cape, 1990)M.Ed. mini-tesis, Departement Filosofie van die Opvoeding, Universiteit van wes-Kaapland. Hierdie mini-tesis ondersoek die gebruik van geweld deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering as regverdiging om'n ~ "demokratiese" staat ... -
Samewerking in die prosaklaskamer as medium vir akademiese ontwikkeling by primêre onderwysstudente
(University of the Western Cape, 1990)In this mini-thesis I focus primarily on collaborative writing in the study of prescribed prose texts as a medium of academic development of primary school student teachers. The problem with the present approach to the ... -
Die onderwysstrewes van enkele politieke groeperinge in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)There is a continual reaction to educational systems by other social groupings. To a large extend education is determined by persons other than educationalists. The social context has a definite influence on a system of ... -
Cognition and teaching in subject specific areas
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Pupils experience various problems when trying to solve problems in Biology, particularly on Higher Grade. This problem was profound in the area of Homeostasis, an aspect of Human Physiology. During this investigation a ... -
Bekamping van die hoe druipsyfer in algemene wetenskap en geskiedenis op senior primere vlak
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Skole stel dit as een van hul belangrikste prioriteite om die jeug op te voed. Maar oor die algemeen strewe skole nie om die onderrig en leerproseoure aan te pas by individuele leerlinge se spesifieke bevoegdhede en behoeftes ... -
An investigation into the cognitive skills required by pupils to master concept formation in the field of homeostasis, an aspect of human physiology.
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Pupils experience various problems when trying to solve problems in Biology, particularly on Higher Grade. This problem was profound in the area of Homeostasis, an aspect of Human Physiology. During this investigation a ... -
Cognition and teaching in subject specific areas
(University of the Western Cape, 1991)Pupils experience various problems when trying to solve problems in Biology, particularly on Higher Grade. This problem was profound in the area of Homeostasis, an aspect of Human Physiology. During this investigation a ... -
Writing for learning in Home Economics
(University of the Western Cape, 1992)This mini-thesis comprises two sections, the what and the how of writing-across-the curriculum (WAC). Section one investigates the integration of writing into content area subjects through the writing process as a project ... -
The effectiveness of senior students as tutor assistants in the English special project for academic development at UWC
(University of the Western Cape, 1992)Since the inception of the University in 1960 under the Apartheid regime and up until a few years ago Afrikaans had dominated both as educational and as communication medium. However, political change - at the University ... -
An investigation into the causes of the high failure rate in std. 10 Xhosa in the Transkei Senior Secondary Schools between 1981 and 1985.
(University of the Western Cape, 1992)This study1 which followed immediately after a sub-dissertation entitled "An investigation into the problems and pitfalls inherent in the teaching and learning of Xhosa in the .Senior Secondary schools of Transkei" and ... -
Seksisme in junior primere onderwyseropleiding
(University of the Western Cape, 1993)To achieve the goals of democracy, equality and justice it becomes importants to recognize teachers and students as individuals in their own right.. The promoters of change expect of teachers to take a critical look at ... -
Exploring transformative possibilities in the use of computers in education
(University of the Western Cape, 1993)This mini-thesis deals essentially with the issue of computers in- education. It, is a very basic investigation into the impact of computers on the learning and teaching environment and is particularly concerned with the ... -
Skoolbesluitneming: Pogings van in skoolhoof tot verandering. in trologie van aksienavorsingsprojekte
(University of the Western Cape, 1994)Hierdie studie handeloor die aanwending van 'n trilogie van aksienavorsingsprojekte in 'n skool wat daartoe gelei het dat 'n outokratiese bestuurstyl in 'n koëperatiewe skoolbestuurstelsel verander is. Gegee die feit dat ...